From pizza to groceries, drivers have used their personal vehicle for deliveries for decades. In recent years, there has been a steady, sizeable increase in the usage of delivery app services worldwide. If you are driving for one of these services, you need to disclose that to your insurance carrier. Delivery driving complicates auto insurance, so make sure you know how they work together (and don’t) so you can stay protected.
Many Possibilities to Navigate
Depending on your auto insurance carrier and the delivery service you choose, there may or may not be a gap in coverage when you take a delivery job. Some auto carriers adjust coverage when you accept a job on your delivery app. On the other hand, some carriers offer an added protection for delivery jobs if you need it. Additionally, each delivery service operates differently. Some have insurance policies you can select, and others have policies that may be missing important coverage. There are so many possibilities to navigate!
Greenlight Contacting an Advisor
This is why delivery driving complicates auto insurance- carriers offer multiple options depending on what you’re doing. It’s important to contact your Cincinnatus Insurance advisor: for all you know, your insurance carrier could protect you for delivery service. And if not, your advisor can give you the best professional advice on how to move forward.
Don’t Steer Clear of Commercial Auto Insurance
Because using your vehicle for food delivery is “business use” and not for your personal needs, it’s important to take commercial auto insurance into consideration. While you’re driving for a delivery service, you’re out on the road more often and more likely to get in an accident. Commercial auto insurance policies aren’t just for delivery, but other types of work could fall under business use, such as driving customers in your car.
Bottom Line: Communication is a Two-Way Street
Update your insurance advisor if you are driving for a delivery service. Making sure your vehicle’s policy is written properly will prevent a claim from possibly going uncovered. Your advisor at Cincinnatus Insurance is fully aware of each carrier’s stance towards delivery driving and can steer you in the right direction. Contact us today to help you slay this insurance beast!